To Mr. William McKinley,
President of the United States of America.

Very Great and Good Friend: Having attained my majority, I have just assumed the royal power, which, during my minority, has been exercised, in my name, by Queen Emma, my well-beloved mother, with such wisdom and devotion that they will ever be indelibly engraved in my heart and in the hearts of my faithful subjects.

I desire to inform you that I have taken the reins of government in hand, and I beg you to believe that, on my part, nothing shall be neglected in order to maintain and draw closer the amicable relations existing between the Netherlands and the United States of America.

I flatter myself that I may rely upon your highly valued cooperation for the attainment of this object. The welfare of the nations whose destinies are confided to us will certainly be promoted thereby. With my best wishes for the prosperity of the United States of America and for your own happiness, I beg you to accept the assurances of my high consideration.

Done at The Hague, this 31st day of August, 1898.

Your good friend,

To Her Majesty Wilhelmina,
Queen of the Netherlands.

Great and Good Friend: I congratulate Your Majesty on your assumption of the royal power of which you notified me by your letter of the 31st of August, last.

The satisfaction which this announcement gives me is enhanced by the expressions of Your Majesty’s intention to neglect no opportunity to maintain and draw closer the amicable relations subsisting between the United States and the Netherlands. For the attainment of this object, you may well rely upon my cooperation. That honor, peace, and prosperity may bless your country, is my earnest wish.

Trusting that your reign may be long and happy, and prove strong in the affections of your people, I pray God to have Your Majesty in His wise keeping.

Your good friend,
William McKinley.

Washington, September 30, 1898


* Queen Wilhelmina turned eighteen years old that August day in 1898. She was instantly the world ’s youngest queen and, partly because of this, many Americans considered her what would now be labeled a rock star. Parks named after Wilhelmina of Orange Nassau still exist in Arkansas and California. Her reign was indeed to be long, fifty years. President McKinley, however, was shot and killed by an assassin three years later.