by Alice Rush
SOMETHING that I often notice when we have been in the Netherlands, is how carefree many of the hairstyles appear to be. I think that it is because of the bicycling.
You can’t keep a fancy coiffure on your head if you are cycling everywhere, and especially not if you are cautious and use a helmet. At one time in my younger years, right here in the United States, I rode my bike to work every day during the warmer months. It was wonderful, and I was in the best shape of my life! I was fortunate that I could also shower once I was a work, and I had a simple haircut that I could wrap into a bun or a ponytail.
Cycling to work isn’t the norm here in the States, but there are folks who do it. Now that I’m older I wear my hair shorter, and it would look a mess if I rode a bike and wore a helmet. (I always wear a helmet.) I don’t even like putting a hat over it in the winter, but I do what I must.
ANYWAY, my perception is that Americans are more superficial about their looks. I fear that I am for sure, even though I don’t consider myself excessive. I don’t get my nails done, and I don’t do much about my hair color – yet. I won’t leave the house if my hair hasn’t been styled though, and I usually like to put just a little makeup on. I just don’t want to look frumpy in public.
I suppose that in either country there are people who don’t really care about such things. People are simply “who they are”. I respect that, but I can’t do it. Some of the folks in the U.S. who give off the “I don’t care” attitude, and we’re talking more than hairstyles here, can also give off the vibe of the “People of Walmart”. If you haven’t seen this, look it up. It will leave you laughing or crying.
I GUESS my point is that I find myself torn between wishing for days when we had a little more selfrespect, and also feeling a bit respectful of anyone who really can’t be concerned with what others think of them. Can we fall into a happy medium groove somewhere? It is possible to be comfortable in public and still not be out and out frumpy. I’d like to save the pajama pants look for home, but appropriately styled leggings can be okay when in public.
Hair can be messy and windblown, but it should be clean. I have done nothing with my hair today. I washed it last night and went to sleep. I’m about to step outside for gardening in the yard, and that is the only place I’ll feel comfortable with my bed-head hair today. If I have to step out to a garden center for supplies, I’ll be washing and fixing my hair and face first. That’s just who I am.
* Alice is a Maine realtor and a licensed helicopter and fixed wing pilot. She first met her Dutch husband in Maryland in 2005, and married him four years later.